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All For One personalizes digital learning by tailoring education to each student's strengths. It delivers customized content to individual devices, enabling differentiated instruction during group lessons. Educators can assign materials effortlessly, saving time, reducing burnout, and boosting student success. Join us in transforming classrooms with innovative edtech.


Overwhelmed Icon

Educators are Overwhelmed

44% of educators in the U.S. are overwhelmed, overtaxed, and overburdened at work.

- Gallup

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Software is Insufficient

Below 20% of educators found differentiation, collaboration, or flipped learning methods beneficial in existing software.

- Sprint Education

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Lack of Engagement

50% of K-12 students lack engagement during lessons.

- Gradient Learning

Arrow pointing to problems Arrow pointing to problems Arrow pointing to problems

in today's

The Education gap for lower-attaining students is only increasing.

Message From The Co-Founders


Welcome! I’m Amanda. I’m Dana Jo.

We are Speech Language Pathologists in New York City. We have delivered speech-language therapy services and differentiated instruction for all kinds of learners with all kinds of abilities for well over a decade...

We are disheartened to see this not being done on educational software platforms. We owe it to our students to give them a quality education. Their mastery of skills is our success as much as it is theirs. So we came up with a solution, ALL FOR ONE.

Our solution highlights the compelling need to provide more support and accommodations for students with diverse learning needs, without giving educators more work to do. Instant differentiation, for multiple styles of learning, with just the click of a button.

Join us in revolutionizing the classroom environment with this impressive and dynamic educational technology. We hope you like it.

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Instant differentiation, for multiple styles of learning, with just the click of a button.

Amanda Loeb




Amanda's Signature

Amanda has dedicated twelve years as a speech-language pathologist with the New York City Department of Education. Throughout her career, she has developed her skills as a naturally creative and talented artist, a meticulous analyzer, and an expert organizer dedicated to helping her students reach their goals.

Over the course of her practice, Amanda has been entrusted in leading professional development training seminars for her colleagues, as well as for city officials, in incorporating and digital streamlining methodologies to technology-aided applications. A strong sense of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and digital enhancement fuel her passion and approach to business and innovation. Amanda is an enthusiast, frequent flier, fitness fanatic, and avid reader.

Dana Jo Ketchel




Dana's Signature

Dana Jo has dedicated nine years to her role as a speech-language pathologist with The New York City Department of Education. Prior to this, she spent five years in speech clinics, where she implemented medically focused treatment plans for her patients.

Throughout her career, she has honed her skills as a detail-oriented and analytical expert, committed to helping her students achieve their goals. Dana Jo has spearheaded a multitude of on-site workstations designed to boost students' confidence in their speech abilities. Her strong critical thinking skills, ability to view challenges from various perspectives, and commitment to social justice further enriches her passion for business and innovation. Dana Jo is a home renovator, beach goer, and animal lover.